Sparkling Creek Valley Wiki

Name: Howler

Gender: Male

Sire: Stars

Dam: Hannah

Breed: 50% Siberian Laika, 29.1% Gray Wolf, 15.6% Arctic Wolf, 4.4% Siberian Husky, 0.9% Akita

Date Of Birth: February 3rd, 2009

Date Entering the Valley: February 3rd, 2009 (Born in SCV)

Generation in the Valley: 6th

Date of Death: N/A

Height: 26"

Weight: 90 lbs

Description: He's 'scrawny' in build compared to either parent, but has dense fur that makes him look stronger than he is. Snow white coat with black spread across his forehead, shoulders, and back. Bright blue eyes, and a very husky-like face.

Littermates: Blaze, Selene
